About Sunbelts Cenic

About Sunbelts Cenic

Creativity and quality have been the hallmarks of Sunbelts Cenic since its doors opened in 1981. The continuous thread through every one of their projects has been the goal to exceed the expectations of their clients in the areas of staging, set design, technical consultation and custom fabrication.

Satisfied customers represent the full spectrum of markets including theme parks, retail merchandisers, independent producers and motion pictures. Whether building mobile stages for the Super Bowl or designing urban entertainment centers for SONY Development, their promise is to deliver products tailored to each client's schedule and budget.

In its earliest days, Sunbelts Cenic focused on building sets for television commercials and live theater productions. From those beginnings its clientele expanded to include musical promoters and corporate meeting producers. As the company's reputation for one-of-a-kind, dynamic projects spread throughout corporate America, Sunbelts Cenic was chosen for sports stadiums and full-concept themed environments. With projects located domestically and in Brazil, Tokyo, Berlin and Milan, Sunbelts Cenic' reputation now spans the globe.

Today, a group of highly accomplished designers, artists, and craftsmen are at your disposal to bring your unique concepts to life. A 90,000 square foot facility is available to create turn-key production packages or to work with your team to deliver customized, winning productions.